How to Leave a Comment

Our Sequoia Times writers are not paid in cash. They are paid by your nice comments, telling them what you appreciate about their work, or if you agree with their review, or if you have something to add. Please take the time, every now and then, to leave a comment for a schoolmate!

Here’s what you do. Simply read a post. If you like it, click on the blue link, “Leave a Comment” (sometimes it says something like, “3 Comments” but you can still click on it). Where it asks for your email, don’t put your real email, as you might get all sorts of junkmail/spam sent to you. Instead, please put your first name If you just make up an email address, it can cause problems for the web site because it will test it and say, “Hey, that’s not real!” So, this is the safest way. If your name is Bob, you put If your name is Cindy you put

Get it? Got it? Good!

For name, just put your first name.

For web site, just leave that blank.

Then you post your comment. After an editor checks it out to make sure it’s full of wonderful positive words, it will be published in a day or two.

Thank you so much for supporting your schoolmates!

Family and friends are also encouraged to leave comments! Thanks, Grandma!

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